I had half a thought that I might want to have a wee utility to alert me that other wee utilities had finished whatever it was they were doing. So seeing as I usually have at least one terminal window open at a time, a minimal command line tool for twittering follows. called ‘twit’.
It has a dependency on your having cURL installed.
$cat `which twit` #!/bin/bash # script to post to twitter USER=username PASS=password UPDATE=$1 LEN=${#UPDATE} SILENT=$2 if [ "$SILENT" == "" ]; then SILENT="1>/dev/null 2>&1" fi if [ $LEN -lt 140 ] ; then eval curl --basic --user $USER:$PASS --user-agent "twit/1.0" --data status=\"$UPDATE\" http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.xml $SILENT if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo -e "Tweet Sent" fi else echo -e "ERROR: tweet too long ($LEN)\a" fi #ends
Update: Since June 2010 when twitter dropped Basic Authentication, this no longer works. 🙁