A HowTo for running Jena Eyeball on Mac OSX.
- Download the eyeball package somewhere convenient.
- Create the following script somewhere convenient, then add it to your PATH.
#!/bin/bash # script to run eyeball on a file or files FILES=$@ FILEBASE="/YOUR/PATH/TO/eyeball-2.3" CLASSPATH="$FILEBASE/lib/antlr-2.7.5.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/arq-extra.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/arq.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/commons-logging.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/concurrent.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/eyeball.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/icu4j_3_4.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/iri.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/jazzy-core.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/jena.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/jenatest.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/json.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/junit4.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/log4j-1.2.12.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.5.6.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/stax-api-1.0.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/wstx-asl-3.0.0.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/xercesImpl.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/xml-apis.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib/xsdlib.jar:\ $FILEBASE/lib:\ $FILEBASE/mirror:\ $FILEBASE/etc" for file in $FILES do echo "=======================================" echo " Checking $file" echo "=======================================" java -classpath "$CLASSPATH" jena.eyeball -check $file done
- You may want to tell Jena what schemas you are using. I did this by downloading all the schema rdf or n3 files I could find to the {eyeball_install_dir}/mirror direectory, then adding the following to the end of the java command line:
-assume owl dc-all `ls $FILEBASE/mirror/*`
This means that we don’t get so many ‘predicate not declared’ messages when we will only ignore them.
Don’t you just love Java and its classpath loveliness… NOT.