
Nov 09

npower improving accuracy – apparently.

I had a letter from npower the other day. I quote:

“To improve the accuracy of your account, we’ve changed the date when your next bill or statement will be issued.
Your next bill or statement will be produced on or around 08 February 2010 and will cover a shorter or longer period than normal.”

Now that’s accurate!

Oct 09

The Time Machine

How to make a time machine to bring people back from the past, and to find out what’s in the future.

Making a Time MachineMore DIY How To Projects

Oct 09

Make some PAR38 cans using Coffee Tins.

Thought I would share how I spent my Sunday afternoon 🙂

Build some PAR38 cans using coffee tinsMore DIY How To Projects

Oct 09

Further tweaks to the site

Just completed several more tweaks to the site, and that includes some customisation of my blog-in-blog plugin.  I released version 0.8 today, but then added even more tags for parts of the posts date so I could recreate the post theme for this site.

Sep 09

A new website coming up!

Some ideas being kicked around here…

  • The website should be a pointer to all things tim hodson
  • Include website hosting and design details
  • Albert Ironstain
  • Thomas Inglebrook Morgan
  • Latest Twitters
  • Latest Photos – poss incorporated into theme?
  • Theme to be simple, but with elements of T.I.M. in silhouette