Dear <government organisation>, How are you getting on with your five stars of linked data? need a hand?
Posts Tagged: twitter tweets
Feb 12
If you are thinking of going t…
If you are thinking of going to #sssw2012 I would recommend it based on my attendance last year ->
Feb 12
Camera wearing cyclists are ch…
Camera wearing cyclists are changing public perceptions by finally being able to provide good evidence of poor driving:
Feb 12
For me cycling is not a sport;…
For me cycling is not a sport; it is my main mode of transport. #cyclesafe
Feb 12
I wear helmet ’cause it makes …
I wear helmet ’cause it makes a great place to attach a video camera and flashing lights. I like NOT wearing it too. #cyclesafe
Feb 12
Struggling to watch the #cycle…
Struggling to watch the #cyclesafe debate (low bandwidth) – will have to resort to later recording. At least they’re talking…
Feb 12
Critical Mass is due next frid…
Critical Mass is due next friday 2/Mar. If you want to know what to expect ->
Feb 12
Finished Cycle with @cyclemete…
Finished Cycle with @cyclemeter, time 26:14, 6.28 miles, average 14.37, ahead of median ride 0:18, fastest 36.06.