Today spent roughing out ideas for an app to use some @kasabi apis.
Posts Tagged: twitter tweets
Dec 11
Finished Cycle with @cyclemete…
Finished Cycle with @cyclemeter, time 18:12, 4.29 miles, average 14.13.
Dec 11
Making plans for world dominat…
Making plans for world domination with @zbeauvais. remarkably should all be in place by March… 🙂
Dec 11
You don’t have to be retired t…
You don’t have to be retired to drive/cycle safely.
Dec 11
I see that as ever, over crowd…
I see that as ever, over crowded trains bring out the best in commuters. #sarcasm
Dec 11
Finished Cycle with @cyclemete…
Finished Cycle with @cyclemeter, time 38:44, 5.85 miles, average 9.06.
Dec 11
There may be an incident later…
There may be an incident later between a cyclist and a bagpipe player that only knows two tunes. #busker
Dec 11
“Every day leading up to chris…
“Every day leading up to christmas we’ll bring you a new piece of advent spam” #marketing