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Posts Tagged: twitter tweets
Sep 11
#semtechbiz you may find this …
#semtechbiz you may find this case study useful as additional background to Neil’s presentation. http://t.co/4va9CsyZ
Sep 11
oooh, merging platforms. What …
oooh, merging platforms. What fun. Linked data might make that easier 🙂
Sep 11
Garlik find OWL and prescripti…
Garlik find OWL and prescriptive ontologies too cumbersome. @TalisConsulting also use _descriptive_ ontologies for easy data integration
Sep 11
Why don’t you move your data f…
Why don’t you move your data from being classified by a taxonomy to being descriptive of the real things your data is about? #semtechbiz
Sep 11
Wondering if Tom Reamy knows h…
Wondering if Tom Reamy knows how much good data modelling goes into captured text analytics? Output= good data? or messy data? #semtechbiz
Sep 11
If you want to know more about…
If you want to know more about intertwingularity visit @TalisConsulting http://t.co/Q7ybvdsi
Sep 11
I’m at #semtechbiz, come say h…
I’m at #semtechbiz come say hello to @TalisConsulting and find out who is doing #linkeddata for real http://t.co/K1GuTwP6
Sep 11
I wrote: Ontologies wont make …
I wrote: Ontologies wont make you rich: or will they? http://t.co/mFyK720f #talis #linkeddata