Further tweaks to the site

Just completed several more tweaks to the site, and that includes some customisation of my blog-in-blog plugin.  I released version 0.8 today, but then added even more tags for parts of the posts date so I could recreate the post theme for this site.


  1. Hi author, I want translate your plugin to russian language. Please tell me Your email, simply reply me to mrilyuha@gmail.com. Thanks

  2. Hi, I am trying your “blog in blog” plugin in a new blog, it is working great. The only thing is that I would like the post to appear as excerpts in the pages using your plugin, but it appears as full content.
    Is there anyway I could add a tag or something to the plugin’s template in order to show only post excerpts? That would be great. My php coding is not that great but I am willing to do my part, and research, I only wanna now if you have any tip or clue about how can I do this.


    • WordPress has built in functionality for this. Use a <!--more--> tag in your post. There ia a handy button in the WYSIWYG post editor. blog-in-blog will automatically deal with these and show the excerpt (everything bfore the more tag.)

  3. Hi Tim,

    Love your plugin. Can’t wait to download new version. I installed it with ease but the page doesn’t look great.


    Any ideas how I can make it look neater? The heading of the next post seems to bunch up to the bottom of the previous post.

    • Hi, You will need to look at the CSS classes in use by your theme, and make sure that the html template used by blog-in-blog is also iusing the same classnames and HTML structure.

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