This entry was posted on Monday, September 5th, 2011 at 9:28 pm and is filed under Tweets.
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because I am NEWBIE: curious if there is a quick way to add a line of code to the…
[blog_in_blog category_slug=’category_slug’ num=10]
… so that the previewed posts only show a “preview” or “excerpt” (i.e. not the whole thing)
A thousand thank-yous, if only just for reading this!
from beautiful victoria, british columbia.
the website is totally a work in progress…
I love your plug-in Blog in a Blog…
because I am NEWBIE: curious if there is a quick way to add a line of code to the…
[blog_in_blog category_slug=’category_slug’ num=10]
… so that the previewed posts only show a “preview” or “excerpt” (i.e. not the whole thing)
A thousand thank-yous, if only just for reading this!
from beautiful victoria, british columbia.
In the BIB HTML template you can use the %post_excerpt% variable instead of %post_contet%.